Fit By Nature
Monday Homeschool 4 Openings available
Orange/Woodbridge area
Tuesday Homeschool @ Hungerford Nature, Berlin
3 Openings available
Wednesday Homeschool @ Hungerford Nature Center, Berlin- FULL
- Thursdays Homeschool in Woodbridge area
Fit by Nature is a program that stands up for the health and well- being of your child. We are all aware of the rising pandemic of anxiety, depression and ADHD in children. Through fitness, Nature, art, music, wandering and exploring, tracking, council/circle time, forest bathing and so much more, your child will develop resilience and self awareness that will increase their confidence and boost their joy! The mind/body/nature connection that Fit by Nature offers will enhance physical and mental health and in return we will have created a happier future! THAT is the Fit by Nature mission!
The Fit by Nature program offers sweet freedom for your child and time to break away from sitting in front of a chrome book, phone, iPad or video game. Being outside involves all of the senses. The sounds, colors and smells of the outdoors is proven to reduce stress, increase a sense of calm, and inspire creativity. Being outside regulates the nervous system. Mother Nature has a way of pulling everyone in for a warm, gentle hug, she provides an endless playground and she pulls up the perfect spot for you to sit and take in all her splendor. Nature just knows what kids need.
The ways of the world might have changed but our innate need for Nature connection has not. Out of necessity, this program was created. Mental and Physical fitness does not come easy these days but it can be easier if we follow what comes to us naturally. Sunshine, clean air, exercise,
good nutrition, sleep, If we all come together and put our kids’ health and happiness first, the way Nature intended, we can’t go wrong. The future of our planet can only get better if we stand up for our kids. Join Fit by Nature today. You’ll feel good about it.
Not only will we gather to build, play music, sing, dance, hike and explore in wonder, we will also utilize this time to share individual and unique thoughts. Every child has a voice and wants to simply be heard. During “Council Time” all kids get their time to express whatever they feel. In doing so, we all learn to be a respectful listener. Sounds good to me!
If only we all had someone cheering us on as a kid to be our authentic self! Authenticity is the key to living a life that’s truly fulfilling... and fun. I will encourage each child to be true to themselves by giving them their own time to freely share whatever is most important to them at that time, listening to their thoughts in a non judgemental way and promoting an environment that Is safe for all to relax in.
Hi! I’m Mary, your child’s nature guide! I earned my Level Two nature based education certifications and I am a Connecticut certified Physical Education and Health teacher with 20 years teaching experience. I also earned my certification in Shinrin Yoku/ Nature Mindfulness and Nature Therapy. I am currently working on my Master Naturalist certification through Audubon.
I have seen how so many kids are tethered to a make believe world through technology. Liberal screen time is literally changing how kids' brains develop. A RE-connection to Nature can contribute to healthy mental and physical growth building confidence and strength. Fit by Nature is dedicated to nurturing your child's connection to Nature. By adding value to each child's outdoor experience, they will begin to establish their own environmental identity as a part of a living ecosystem. Kids will gain a sense of empowerment with their new environmental knowledge. Confidence will grow, an appreciation for good health and the ability to move will develop. Kids will learn to be proactive in their health, full of joy and knowledge! Healthy minds and bodies go hand in hand!